Created an Movie Theater application that allows a user to buy movie tickets for selected showtimes.
Technologies used: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, HTML, CSS
Created an E-Commerce application that allows a user to create multiple businesses and allows a user to sell products for each of those businesses.
Technologies used: React, Redux, Javascript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, HTML, CSS
Extension of project management application using AJAX to render an index, show and submit form.
Technologies used: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Javascript, HTML, Rails Asset Pipeline(SCSS)
Created and designed a Project management application to track client projects.
Technologies used: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Photoshop, HTML, Rails Asset Pipeline(SCSS)
Created and designed a Sinatra application which is designed for a user to track a Baby's sleep schedule.
Technologies used: Ruby, Sinatra, SQL, Photoshop, HTML, CSS
Created a responsive design website for an educational institution.
Technologies used: HTML/CSS - Responsive Design
Created a website for a tea company.
Technologies used: HTML/CSS - Responsive Design